Thursday, June 11, 2009

As I was saying...


I am so proud of my guild, once again! We downed TWO new bosses in Ulduar last night.

The first was XT-002 Deconstructor, finally. We really pulled it together, and killed him in one shot, after being stuck on him for the past couple of weeks. We even managed to snag the Nerf Gravity Bombs achievement.

The second boss we encountered was Kologarn.

I have to say, it was an absolutely awesome feeling stepping up onto that walkway where he pops up. The sheer size of him - especially to me, a gnome! - was genuinely awe-inspiring. I really felt like an "important" part of the game at that point, lame as it might sound! I really missed gigantic raid bosses.

As you can see, my guildies kind of shared the feeling. ...Kind of.

Our first attempt went, uhh... Not so good. But it was a learning experience! Also, the fact that he yells "YOU FAIL!" when someone dies made me laugh a lot.

Our second attempt went a lot better, once we figured out that we needed to have the raid DPS his right arm to death [sidenote: he yells "Just a flesh wound!" when you kill it, also hilarious], and the subsequent earth elemental adds it spawns when it crumbles [after I pick them up!], before moving on to DPS him. We ignored his left arm completely; healers just healed through the raid damage while everyone dodge pew-pew eye laz0rz.
Our MT Wakizashi stayed on Kologarn; if you do not have someone on him at all times, he casts Petrifying Breath and wipes the raid. There is a stacking armor sundering debuff he does to your tank, and you are supposed to have two tanks taunt between stacks [ala Gluth], but he never had a problem with it, and our healers did not complain about having trouble keeping him up - so I just focused on picking up adds. I stayed in tank gear just in case, as I usually do, but coupled with my Unholy DPS spec to help with the arm a bit instead. Rinse and repeat, because the arm respawns every 60 seconds. It seemed to work pretty well for us.

[Some pictures I took as I was grabbed, just as our DPS finished off the arm]:

So I suppose we'll be sticking to that strategy, because we killed him!

I am going to speak with the other officers and see about returning to Ulduar on Friday, so we can maybe have a go at Auriaya and/or Iron Council.

OH OH! I also picked up Ironsoul from Flame Leviathan. How could I forget to mention?! OMG so sexy!

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