Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Been raiding a LOT lately, and I am quite happy about that!

Our guild [Adaptation] has made an alliance with another guild called The Commonwealth. We've been doing Naxx-25 pretty successfully with them last week. I say 'pretty' as it was filled with many wipes, but that was to be expected. =)

We almost had a full clear but some PUG ninja'd our raid ID and killed Kel'thuzad. We will have to be more selective about who we group with in the future, unfortunately.

In the meantime, we hit up 25-man Flame Leviathan in Ulduar and downed him. Got some people loot.

I've gotten a break from tanking, and have been playing my shaman, which was very nice. I missed DPSing - it is so mindless. Just keybind + faceroll and you're good to go!

Tonight our guild is heading back into Ulduar-10 for the first time in weeks [hopefully!], so I will be back to tanking again. Hope I'm not too rusty.

In other news, I got Manatee her Crusader title - FINALLY - so I am all set for patch 3.2. Bring on the new looooots! She's also got 3/5 of the tourney pets. Just need to save marks for an Elwynn Lamb and an Ammen Vale Lashling now. I guess I should get my Horde priest levelled up some so I can start working on grabbing the Horde pets, too. In due time!

1 comment:

  1. Sheesh, too busy for an update? Nothing important happen between July and now?

