Thursday, May 7, 2009


Last night, my guild and I ventured into Naxx-10, as we generally do on Wednesday nights. We were short one initially, so decided to head in with nine of us. I was offtanking on Snooky, my death knight, as usual, and we were doing quite well!

Then, I let a pack of spiders get away and hit the raid. We didn't wipe, and I didn't really mean to but the reason for my mishap was obvious as I proclaimed over Vent:

"Oh my god! Is that Lumpey?!"

A close friend and guildie of mine recently was out of commission when he had an issue with a new graphics card he bought. He couldn't re-install his old one, either, because of DirectX being a butthead. But - he fixed the issue! Yay! Just in time for our raid!

So it turned out to be for the better that we'd hit up Naxx with nine of us rather than 10, since we had a spot saved for him.

In other news, today is the last day of Children's Week, and as it peters out, I'm hit with a minor WoW burnout. Unfortunate! But, it happens. I've been playing way too much trying to get these achievements done for the Violet proto-drake, among other things. I'm going to take it easy, for now, and let my alts build-up some well-rested bonuses.

I did get my paladin, Cadmus, to 56 today.

Here he is, in all his femboy glory, with his little Golden Dragonhawk Hatchling eyeballing him, wondering how it is possible for anyone to look more flamboyant than it does.

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